The Good News REview

A good news publication written by Roberts' students and inspired by the world. The Good News REview invites fourth and fifth grade students, who want to learn how to be student journalists, to submit an application to become a REporter.  Application and process will be coming soon.
If your student is curious, interested in contemporary issues, loves to write, analyze, collaborate, and have lots of fun working with other students, please encourage your student(s) to apply. 
The cohort will consist of 22 students. There are 10 beats or subject matters that the newspaper will cover - everything from sports and weather to food and community or civic news. Students will rank the subject about which they are most interested, develop their story, and write it. The students will also meet and hear from real journalists and popular, local media figures.  
We will meet twice a month.



EXTRA EXTRA… 4th & 5th Grade REporters! The Good News REview is looking for the next group of inspired and inquisitive fourth- and fifth-grade journalists to come have funday Friday in the Good News REview Newsroom afterschool. If you have a 4th or 5th grader interested in writing, please join our information sessions:  Tuesday, 10/3/23 - 5:15-5:45 to learn about how the newspaper works and the fun we will have this year covering the Good News REview beats!


Fourth and Fifth Graders Interested in Good News REview, our school newspaper, join us at the Good News REveiw information sessions!


Meeting ID: 820 1263 8918

Passcode: 737973 (for both sessions))


Read the June 2023 Issue of Good News REview here












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