Roberts Carnival - Supplier Marketplace 2025

Over 1,000 people regularly attend the Roberts Carnival each year. For a $100 donation to the Roberts PTO, you can set up a table at our Carnival Marketplace and reach those attendees.


Our Carnival is Saturday, April 5, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Sell your goods, create a game, decorate, and pass out prizes/candy all at your table. You set up a table (provided by us) and we’ll bring the crowd!


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Participate in Roberts' Annual Carnival$100.00 
General Donation
 General Donation
If you would like to increase the amount of your donation, please fill in the blank with the appropriate amount.

Questions?  Contact the carnival chairs, Eleanor Verret and Adrienne Moeller via email at