Each report card cycle we attach notices for students who have arrived at school tardy—after 7:35 a.m.—for 10 or more days within the six-week period. Any time a student is tardy to school, the tardy is logged into the Raptor system to track the day, time and reason (if applicable). We also log and track when students are picked up early.
When your child arrives late to school, it not only impacts their academic performance, but often their confidence and self-esteem. Over the last couple of weeks, we are averaging 44 tardies each day, often from the same students.
The second semester of school is fast paced and jammed with new learning. Please support your child by having them arrive to school on time each day so that they can approach the day in a positive manner.
Thank you in advance for ensuring that your child takes advantage of every opportunity to have an optimal learning experience.